STAND tall; MAKE CIRCLES with nose, rotating head; SHRUG shoulders to ears; RELEASE shoulders down and back
STAND tall; INTERLACE HANDS behind back, knuckles down; BEND BACK slightly, lifting gaze; STAND tall; HINGE AT HIPS chest towards thighs, arms lifted for deeper shoulder stretch
STAND tall; "CHAIR" knees bent, chest up, arms overhead; "POWER CHAIR" rotate arms down and behind; "CHAIR" arms back overhead; "FORWARD FOLD" release hands to ground; STAND tall
STEP FEET OUT twice the width of hips, toes pointed outwards, hands on hips; BEND KNEES to find comfortable squat; LIFT ARMS overhead, maintaining squat; SQUEEZE SHOULDERS slide elbows down to shoulder height, hands high
STAND tall; "FORWARD FOLD" hinge at hips, send hands to ground; "HALFWAY LIFT" lift chest up to parallel with ground, hands on thighs; "FORWARD FOLD" release hands back to ground; "PUSH-UP" step feet back, shoulders over wrists; "DOWNWARD DOG" tailbone up and back, pointed mountain shape
"THREE-LEGGED DOG" lift leg high, toes pointed to ground; DRIVE KNEE TO HAND dropping knee on ground behind hand; "PIGEON" (SIDE) open hip to bring foot to opposite hand; "PIGEON" (FRONT) front leg on ground, knee behind same-side hand, foot behind opposite hand
"DOWNWARD DOG" tailbone up and back, pointed mountain shape; "PUSH-UP" shift weight forward, shoulders over wrists; LOWER to belly, hands under shoulders; "COBRA" straighten arms to lift chest and gaze forward; LOWER CHEST to ground, arms long by side; LIFT arms, legs, chest, off ground
FLIP onto back, feet flat; "BRIDGE POSE" hips up, straight line from shoulders to knees; LOWER HIPS back to the ground
ANGLE KNEES TO TOUCH adjust feet to make comfortable; "WINDSHIELD WIPERS" drop knees together to left and right, keeping upper body on ground
RESET feet flat; KNEES IN to chest; "LAST SQUEEZE" hug everything in; "SAVASANA" find the most comfortable position; THE END